Friday, May 10, 2013

look who's back

Well maybe I need to call this blog “trying to be a healthy flamingo” as it’s been weeks…nope months, since I lasted posted! I let life get in the way and haven’t done so hot at finding and making the healthiest of meals. I don’t even think I have cooked in the past 2 months except for scrambled eggs. Thankfully my husband cooks or I (we’d) starve!

Yeah, epic fail on my part, I pretty much let my busy work schedule get in the way of my health. Why do I do that?? Why do any of us do that? ...another question for another day I guess. So my new goal will be to prevent that from happening next year at this time. But as of today (well last Friday), I am back to finding the best, healthiest and easy recipes I can and share them here.

Why as of last Friday you ask? Even if you didn’t, here’s why… I worked out! ( that song in your head now? you know the one, “...I work out...”? No? google it. it’s a fun song and it’s in my head now). I worked out and felt so good I was inspired to cook healthy and not let my workout go to waste by eating crap for dinner and boy did that pay off! I made some really amazing recipes.

I’ve been researching recipes for a while now, building an arsenal of recipes I want to try and ones I know I can modify for Paleo and for my liking. So far I have been successful. I’ve been cooking up a storm ever since and have some new favorites to share.

Thanks for returning, stop back soon for these recipes and more!
  • general pso’s chicken
  • zucchini noodles with marina sauce
  • chicken strips with a tangy sauce
  • chicken salad in avocado bowl
  • poppyseed mustard vinaigrette
  • baked eggs

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